pandas 판다스 기초 13 import CSV file
# Importing CSV Files ## First Steps with open('titanic.csv') as f: text = f.readlines() text ''' ['survived,pclass,sex,age,sibsp,parch,fare,embarked,deck\n', '0,3,male,22.0,1,0,7.25,S,\n', '1,1,female,38.0,1,0,71.2833,C,C\n', '1,3,female,26.0,0,0,7.925,S,\n', '1,1,female,35.0,1,0,53.1,S,C\n', '0,3,male,35.0,0,0,8.05,S,\n', '0,3,male,,0,0,8.4583,Q,\n', ''' # 같은게 배열된다. len(text) # 892 # pandas의 r..
2022. 7. 26.
pandas 틀린부분 복기 6 matplotlib
# 문제1 # Create the graph below (lineplot for all numerical columns)! # subplots, sharex에 대한 기능이 생각이 안났었다. cars.plot(figsize = (14,10), subplots = True, sharex = False) # 문제2 # Create the graph below (Scatterplot with horsepower and mpg)! Fill in the gaps! # 내 코드 cars.plot(kind = 'scatter', x = 'horsepower', y = 'mpg', figsize = (12,10), c = 'cylinders', marker = 'x', colormap = "virid..
2022. 7. 26.